Parent/Carers’ Information Sessions
We know how difficult it can be for parents and carers to talk to their young people regarding these topics. All parents and carers are offered a chance to attend our information sessions. These will be either face to face in school, or on-line.
We will share information regarding:
- How to support young people to quit,
- Guidance around the laws on vaping
- The impact it has on our environment
- Withdrawal symptoms the young person may experience while quitting.
- The signs to look for, if you suspect your young person maybe vaping.
We will update you on what’s going on locally as well as any changes in the law.
If you are interested in attending an information session, please email
Support for your young person
We can work with your young person to ensure that they have the help, support and advice they need to ensure they make the right choice for their future health and wellbeing.
To refer a young person, please download the word form and send it to us via email
QuitReady Referral Form – Professionals, Parents or Carers
If you need any advice or support when completing the form, please contact us on
telephone number 0345 646 6666 or e-mail

For Urgent Help
For any emergency call 999 or attend local Accident and Emergency department.
If you have an urgent health issue call 111 or visit to speak to the NHS.
They are available 24/7 and can guide you to appropriate help if necessary.
For urgent mental health concerns, call NHS111 and select option 2 for mental health.